OEM Projects
We try to have the biggest collection to meet nearly all the watchmakers' needs. However, sometimes, when we work with watch manufacturers or big wholesalers, our standard collection isn’t enough. As Diloy is a real watch straps manufacturer, we can cooperate with you developing any new models following your specifications till meeting your needs. At this section we will try to summarize all about what we can and what we can’t do.
Although we have more than 30 years of experience making watch straps, we are still learning from our customers and our skills are increased each day. So this section will be reviewed and updated continuously.
Besides developing a new model, we can do a lot of small customizations as embossing your logo on the linings, or stamping it in the buckle, changing the buckle style, adding or removing holes, changing the loops size, adding some hand stitches, etc. All these small changes are specified at customize section.
We have split the information in several typical cases that we face every day. Also we enclose the frequent asked questions. If you don’t find the information that you need, or if you have doubts, don’t hesitate to contact us. Drop us a line at export@lorikuan.com
Case 1. We have a similar model
Well, this is the simplest case. We have the model that you are looking for, so we have the molds and you will void this investment and you will save time. Of course we can use our molds and tools to make the same model with other leathers or other colors. A few questions about this:
Can any model from your collection be produced with other leathers?
The short reply is YES. At least 90% of the cases it's YES. We will have to meet some requirements as the leather thickness. Let's go to see an example: We make our Vintage models (as 384) with really thick leathers because it's a thick cut-edge strap and we do not want to add any additional layer in the middle while, the leathers that we use for the classical semi-rembordered models (as 131) are thinner. Can we produce a vintage style model as the 384 using the buffalo leather from model 131? Yes, we can, but we will have to add a middle layer or use a thicker lining or ask our supplier for a thicker buffalo grain leather. In any case, it's something that we can solve. We would study each case and we would offer you the most suitable solution.
I like the model, I like the leather, but I can’t find the color that I’m looking for. Can you get another color for my project?
Yes, we can get another color, but you must to take into account some details: Firstly, is that we work with real leathers, no plastic or synthetic materials. Secondly, we have to comply with several international laws and regulations to use the right materials that are suitable to be in direct contact with the skin. Getting a specific Pantone color in a plastic is easy, but in the leathers business we can’t. We can try to get an approximate color, but the final differences can be significant depending on the leather. As a general rule: the more natural the leather feeling is more difficult to get a specific color. For example: You want our model 131 but you want a military green color. We will get for you a clearer or darker military green following your specifications, but we can’t never guarantee a specific Pantone.
If you want a special color for your project, the minimum order quantity will depend on the tannery who is our supplier. We have very good agreements with nearly all our raw leather suppliers and the minimum leather order would be the equivalent to produce 1200 straps. However, some suppliers or for some raw materials, the minimum will be a quantity equivalent to produce 5000 straps.
If this quantity is too high for your projects, we will try to suggest you an alternative material with smaller MOQ. Don’t forget that we have models on stock with 18 different colors as our 302 or our P205. Maybe you can use any of them.
I like the model, but I need a different leather. Can you get it?
At least we can try it. As you can imagine there are thousands of raw leather manufacturers around the world. Obviously we do not have relation with all of them. Sometimes customers ask us for leathers that are trendy at the fashion world, but they have not a version for small leather products. The problem of this kind of raw leather suppliers is the minimum purchase. We have found raw leather manufacturers asking for a minimum quantity equivalent to 100,000 straps per color. Maybe this is a suitable quantity for a furniture manufacture, but for a watch straps production is only viable in a few occasions. However you can send us a photo, or even samples that would be better to see some details that we could not check in the picture and we will study it.
Case 2. Definitely I can’t find in your collection what I’m looking for
There isn’t any problem. We can develop it for you. We will have to make the new moulds necessary for produce your model.
Moulds! How awful! It sounds too expensive. Well, not so much. The cost will depend on your model and here we will face too many different scenarios. In order you can have an approximate estimation about the amount that you would have to invest, it could be between 350€ for a simple strap model, till 1500€ that can cost the mould set for a very special model with hard plastic terminals inside.
Can we make a prototype sample?
Yes, we can do a prototype sample. These samples are handmade by our high skilled production manager and they can be done under the customer request before to invest in a mould. We try our best to get a good finishing, but it will be improved in the massive production with the right moulds and tools. We have a fix fee to produce this prototype sample with calf leather: 100€. The 50% of this fee will be returned if the customer finally confirm the order over 2000€ for this model.
Can we produce straps with hard plastic end pieces?
Yes, we can produce straps with hard end pieces. We have experience doing them. In this case, we will need a watch case to fit the terminal to the watch case. Consider that we will have to fit the external sizes but also the spring bars positions. When we produce a strap with an end piece, we have to study carefully the total production amount in order to save costs. If you guess that you will produce a big quantity, we advise you to do an injection mold for the terminal piece. So we will get a razonable unit price. If the amount isn’t too big, we can find the way to produce the terminals one by one with a higher unit price but without a mold investment.